URGENT: Oppose HCR 30 today in written testimony | Testify in person on Feb. 6



2/1/20246 min read

Missouri residents, 

Our representatives are dedicating Tuesday, February 6 as Genocide Day at the Missouri Capitol

The day will start with a speech by a former Israeli soldier advocating for a Palestine without Palestinians. Our representatives will then hold public hearings around three resolutions stating unequivocal support for Israel. The most dangerous one of all is House Concurrent Resolution 30 HCR 30, sponsored by Representative Dean Plocher of Des Peres.

Tuesday will be packed with genocidal propaganda, but you can start doing something about it TODAY.

Submit a written testimony and oppose HCR 30 NOW.

Plocher praises an apartheid state, advocates for the erasure of Palestinians, promotes ethnonationalism and potentially violates clauses of the First Amendment on the separation of church and state.

Tuesday's public hearings will be the only opportunity for us to testify in person against these resolutions and say Missouri Stands Against Genocide


Submit a written statement against HCR 30 TODAY, and head to Jeff City on Tuesday to testify in person. 

From Genocide Day
to Palestine Day at the Missouri Capitol

Tuesday, February 8

10 A.M. | Ambassador of Genocide speaks at Joint Session

Location: The House Chamber on the west side of the building on the third floor. (See map below)

Virtual Option: Watch a live video of the speech at this link.

What: House Speaker Dean Plocher will introduce Maor Elbaz-Starinsky to members of the House and Senate and give him the mic.

Who again?? Maor Elbaz-Starinsky works for the Israeli Consul General in Miami, Florida, and is the man all of these resolutions are written for.

This guy’s job is to build “partnerships and coalitions for Israel with the people and governments of Florida, Kansas, Missouri, and Puerto Rico.”

1 P.M. | Missouri Senate hearing on 2 anti-Palestine resolutions

Location: In the Senate Lounge on the east side of the building on the third floor. (See map below)

Virtual Option: Watch the live feed of the hearing here.

What: The Senate will introduce four resolutions and hold hearings. Two of them are pro-Israel.

TAKE ACTION: You can testify in person against these resolutions!

  • You show up in the room -> You fill out a witness form & you write your testimony.

  • If you already have it written, you can attach it with a paper clip to your witness form.

  • You testify & you leave the witness form there.

  • There is NO option to submit an online testimony for senate resolutions.

SCR 24 -> Sponsored by Mary Elizabeth Coleman. She is running for Congress.

  • The resolution says Missouri urges US Congress to offer “full and unequivocal support of Israel financially and otherwise for as long as it takes for Israel to bring justice in light of the unprovoked attacks.”

SCR 25 -> Sponsored by Bill Eigel. He is running for Governor.

  • Missouri commends Israel for “its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with the United States of America and the state of Missouri since 1948 and believe that the relationship shall continue to strengthen and be valued in this state and in this country.”

  • Eigel pretty much used similar language to HCR 30.

2 P.M. | Special Committee hearing on Plocher’s HCR 30

Location: Joint Hearing Room (117) on the first floor.

Virtual Option: Watch the live feed of the hearing here.

TAKE ACTION: We need the numbers!

  • This is the only chance to testify in person against HCR 30. You will have to sign a form on-site.

  • Even if you're testifying in person, submit a written testimony and oppose HCR 30.

  • Call/email Rep. Plocher and all other representatives and urge them to refuse such resolutions.

  • More info on HCR 30 & scripts for calls and emails are provided below.

  • Spread this around your circles and urge others to join.

HCR 30 -> Sponsored by Rep. Dean Plocher. He is running for Lieutenant Governor.

  • Plocher uses biblical language to justify his support for Israel, a violation of the separation of church and state. Also, the resolution describes Palestine without Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews.

4 P.M. | Palestine Day at the Missouri Capitol Rally

Location: Meet at the south lawn of the Capitol, across the street from the Supreme Court.

What: We will gather for a rally after a day full of testimony opposing genocidal rhetoric.

The majority of people are against war, it's just the select few writing resolutions like this one who are against life.

Missouri Against HCR 30

As a multi-faith, multi-racial coalition of Missourians that includes Christians, Muslims, Jews, and other religions... as people who stand for LIFE and not WAR, people who stand for EQUALITY, not SUPREMACY, we unequivocally reject HCR 30 and Rep. Dean Plocher’s white supremacist, anti-Palestinian and Islamophobic rhetoric during a US-backed genocide.

Don't just reach out to Plocher,

reach out to ALL of them.

Testimony Script:

This is a suggested script you can modify and use for the written testimony in opposition to HCR 30. You're welcome to use any of the talking points PSC provided on our website, and we also encourage you to share your personal story, especially if you plan to testify in person on Feb. 6.

I stand against HCR 30 as a Missourian, and as a human who believes in equality, liberty, and people's sovereignty. The use of biblical language and the erasure of Palestinians in the resolution conflict with my most basic human values. All people are equal. No person is above another.

Our representatives should not use their legislative powers to support a state that is killing children by the thousands as the legislative session unfolds.

Israel stands accused of genocide for its indiscriminate killing, abuse of civilians, and destruction of what's called the largest open-air prison in the world.

As a member of a multi-faith, multi-racial coalition of Missourians that includes Christians, Muslims, Jews, and other religions. As someone who stands for LIFE and not WAR. EQUALITY and not SUPREMACY, I unequivocally reject HCR 30's white supremacist, anti-Palestinian, and Islamophobic rhetoric.

This is called ethnonationalism.

Ethnonationalism is a racist ideology due to its exclusive favoring of a particular religious or ethnic group. By privileging one group over others, ethnonationalism inherently promotes discrimination and marginalization of minority communities.

HCR 30 says Missourians support this institutionalized racial segregation and WE DO NOT.

The war on Palestine started DECADES before October 7.

International institutions such as the United Nations have long called Israel’s occupation of Gaza and the West Bank illegal. This is to say nothing of the 750,000 Palestinians who lost their homes in 1948 when Israel was declared a state.

This founding moment was also built upon the destruction of over 400 Palestinian villages, the murder of 15,000 indigenous Palestinians, and decades of land theft.

I say no to HCR 30.

$51.43 million of our Missouri taxpayer dollars go to the Israeli military.

It's time to stop funding the war machine and time to feed, heal, and rebuild Gaza.

Email Script:

Subject: Urgent: Oppose HCR 30 for Justice and Equality

Representative Plocher,

I'm writing as a concerned constituent regarding House Concurrent Resolution 30. The use of biblical language and the erasure of Palestinians in the resolution are deeply troubling, conflicting with my values of justice and equality.

Equally alarming is the resolution's support for a state engaged in indiscriminate bombings and actions amounting to genocide in Gaza.

I urge you to reject HCR 30 and focus on initiatives that truly promote justice, equality, and the well-being of all. Redirecting the $51.43 million in Missouri tax dollars allocated to the Israeli military could significantly impact essential services in education, healthcare, and housing.

Your attention to this matter is crucial, and I hope you will consider the concerns of your constituents in making decisions that reflect our shared values.


Phone Script:

My name is [Your Name], and I'm reaching out as a concerned constituent regarding House Concurrent Resolution 30.

I find the use of biblical language and the omission of the Palestinian perspective in the resolution deeply troubling. It conflicts with my values of justice and equality.

Equally alarming is the resolution's support for a state engaged in indiscriminate bombings and actions amounting to genocide in Gaza. This crisis has resulted in the loss of civilian lives, disproportionately affecting children and women.

I urge you to reject HCR 30 and instead focus on initiatives that truly promote justice, equality, and the well-being of all. Redirecting the $51.43 million in Missouri tax dollars allocated to the Israeli military could significantly impact essential services at home in the areas of education, healthcare, and housing.

Your attention to this matter is crucial, and I hope you will consider the concerns of your constituents in making decisions that reflect our shared values. Thank you for your time.