Block the Bombs: Palestine activists protest Boeing facility in Missouri

Block the Bombs: Palestine activists protest Boeing facility in Missouri

St. Louis Organizers for Palestine

11/25/20231 min read

Palestine activists protest in front of Boeing facility in Missouri
Palestine activists protest in front of Boeing facility in Missouri

Hidden in plain sight along a particularly drab stretch of Route 94, just west of the Missouri River in St. Charles, MO, lies a large, plain white building. Almost completely nondescript apart from its size, it is distinguishable from the road only by a pair of small signs identifying it as Boeing Building 598. It is, at present, perhaps the deadliest building in the state.

Amidst an ever-growing civilian death toll exacted by Israel’s relentless bombing campaign against Gaza, the displacement of the vast majority of the city’s 2 million residents, and numerous other human rights atrocities of various descriptions, the increasingly urgent calls for a ceasefire finally appear to have gained significant political momentum.

However, a United States-brokered dialogue will likely do little to address the many systemic factors that enabled this humanitarian catastrophe, one of which is the $3.8 billion in military aid Israel receives from the U.S. annually. And though few St. Louis area residents likely realize it, a large portion of this aid comes in the form of weapons produced in our own backyard.

You will find us there holding banners, blocking the gates, and making it unequivocally clear that we do not support Israel’s increasingly clear policy of genocidal intent and indiscriminate bombing, nor will we accept a company funded in large part by our tax dollars supplying the bombs.